would it be interesting if text could flow in multiple directions?

i'm not sure. all i know is that it would probably be hard to read.

at least, it would be at first. until you spend enough time on it.

would there be any kind of utility in it? it's hard to say, really.

but having it simply go back and forth for each line likely sucks.

i don't think anyone would find it to be worth reading, in the end.

but maybe that's not the point. it's fun to write for me at least.

and maybe the act of learning to read it could be fun in a new way?

that's something that you have to figure out for yourself, though.

i've only just read this in alternation for the first time, myself.

and i've come upon a new worry: it's going to be harder for you...

i can read this with all the marvelous foreknowledge of what i say.

but you, you have to try and parse it for what it is, with effort.

if you haven't given up yet, it's been nice spending time with you.